I seem to recall people not liking it if I made an unconventional meme back then. That's before I knew anything about photo shop even. The very old school original meme makers wanted the proper one line at the top and one at the bottom on a template they recognized.
I think I got away with being different because I was as respectful as I could be and my comments made people laugh. Now I see an obvious repost or just plain crap meme and notice I'm one of the only people still on here that even remember all those rules lol.
It's kinda funny I look for originality now and when I started it was frowned upon. Not that everybody reposted crap all the time back then, most of the memes that made the front page back then were there for the first time lol.
I'm still happy to log on and make some original shit people may not even get and see how it goes. It's what I've always done and why it's fun for me. I don't really care what anybody else does unless they somehow restrict my ability to have a good time. That's no easy task I'm too open minded to think any of my opinions should be a law others need to follow.