Sincere thanks for conveying this message. (Of course I knew from where the wind was blowing.) Poor Paul: I am afraid he was a "victim" of poorly performed magic [magic = experimetally performed, but not theoretically (at least not completely) understood science]. Remember the flickering gif you posted in the comment section a while ago? That flickering had a frenquency that can do damage to the brain (there is one case of a fatal car accident known to me where someone looked at a gif with a dangerous flickering frequency). If poor Paul got "treated" with such a frequency in an intense way (and it is said that he was blind for a couple of days after his "magic" experience), he must have gotten a brain damage. (This is why I hate any magic whatsoever done to people; if you do not know 100% what you are doing you might cause enormous harm. I have experienced "black" magic, I know what I am talking about). So maybe this is why Paul has problems with love and an open mind.