You said in your damned COMMENT below that you're a RuSSHIT pest, not the image itself. Speaking of that image, cancer like communism was the best thing to EVER happen to you RuSSHIT pests, I wish if the Soviet Union existed today so those commmies would block the internet there and never see cockroaches like you on the internet.
Gays are assholes, they can go suck each others' cocks, they have the largest suicide rates anyway. Yes, I'm a homophobe, but Islamophobes are TRILLION TIMES worse, that's what you both Westards and RuSSHITS seems to share, none of you are innocent. And really? Not using swear words justifies blasphemy you piece of shit? Blasphemy is 100000% times worse than swearing you goat-humping RuSSHIT f**ker.
RuSSHITS and the West are a cancer, two sides of the same coin. I'm ASHAMED to have subhuman c**ts like RuSSHITS be classified as "Asian" like me. Same looks, same death cult, same religion, same asshole Good Goyim that supports Israel and love Jews, same everything except geographical location, HOW THE F**K does being a homophobe make you innocent while doing evey single thing else the West does? Why are RuSSHITS classified as "Asian" WHY??? Both of you are cancer on humanity, dropping a nuclear bomb on both of you would solve 99% of world's problem.