That's his corpse on the picture!Quite disturbing...and the band isn't something special either(well,they did reform an entire music genre,but musically speaking,they're extremely mediocre)
The stuff with Attila was good, but all that stuff with Maniac was basically crap. ;)
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I'll have to check that Attila stuff.So far,I've only listened to Deathcrush(awful) and Dem Mysteriis Dom Sathanas,which is decent,but really overrated.What do you recommend?
Actually their latest album, "Esoteric Warfare", is good. Not really black metal any more either. Attila Csihar has just been on "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas", "Ordo Ad Chao", and "Esoteric Warfare". His vocal stuff with SUNN0))) is cooler.