Just the opposite. My confirmation bias used to argue the opposite on behalf of the biblical texts, but integrity won out and I stopped making elaborate excuses for things that were obviously false.
I'm well familiar with most of the apologetics-type arguments, I've spent a fair bit of time on their websites and had discussions with one or two. Some of them are worthy of the Talmudic rabbis in how far over backwards they have to bend in order to fabricate rationalizations.
It takes only ONE disproof of literalist biblical interpretations to puncture the whole scheme as false. I gave you several, the link has many dozens more (by no means exhaustive).
It is not an independent thinker like me (having proven my willingness to change my beliefs when confronted with evidence), it is a dogmatic like you who lives in terror that his worldview could collapse that evidences true confirmation bias. Every item I posted for you is an objective phenomenon independent of what I or you might believe, and any reader can read them for him or herself.
Cosmological - rests on redefinition of sufficient. Teleological = non sequitur. Anthropological = ditto. Moral = possible but does not point to deity. Ontological = raw fallacy: the ancient Greeks believed in not one but twelve, but that proved nothing and therefore disproves your principle.
And if you had paid attention, which you did not, you would have noticed I did not even claim to disprove a deity (in fact I could probably make better arguments for one than you), just the traditional one resting on the easily invalidated biblical texts. So I again repeat, if instead of lamely claiming "some apologist somewhere must have made some defense somehow, however weak, therefore I don't have to think about this," you read and study for yourself, you can grow out of your shell.
But you'd have to get past the terror underlying your "confirmation bias" first, and few are truly equal to that. Good luck anyway.