Yeah I just read through the whole mess. He is a prick and you're all right, people like that have no future here.
This is why I try so hard to be original. (And not be too much of a prick. Just a little ahahaha) I sometimes use old jokes but try to do it in new ways. It's hard to say I copied someone when it's a 6 panel meme like today. But that's just me. I have enough trouble myself with the downvote trolls. I notice my stuff is page 2-3 material. Gets close to page 1, gets downvoted. Oh well, not really bothered, more think it's funny. It's people prejudice. I knew going in I'd get further if I called myself 'MikeMakesMemes' but I gotta be me. I enjoy drug humor. It's just the Internet, IDGAF!
Ok must work now :(