Lefties love to name call. Christians do not worship idolatries. We honor the flag because welove America. The western imperialistic country that dragged every other country out of the stone age. The football players that knelt England for our anthem but stood for god save the queen was what your talking about, you know the country that was the biggest profiteer from slavery. Also know Christian in America worships a religious dictator. And last year there were 509 murders by cop, 123 were black men and of those 7 were unarmed. That means that 238 were white males, and 28 were unarmed...source "statista" as printed in leftist Washington post.stunning statistic that police kill that many people, but hardly the racist narrative, but you go ahead and get your news from Facebook friends, and buzzfeed. Also keep calling people names it really elevates the conversation to your IQ level.