the words 'liberal' and liberty share the same Latin root, and not by coincidence. anyone who wants to take the 'liberal' out of American politics is essentially taking out the freedom. liberalism and conservativism are not two diametrically opposing viewpoints, but two aspects of one spectrum of political philosophy (forgive me for waxing eloquent, won't you?). we can't accurately say that liberalism is wrong and conservatism is right, or vice versa, any more than vanilla ice cream is a better flavor than chocolate. what's needed for the country is a united, integrated philosophy, and political strategy, that works best for the WHOLE country. it should have elements of conservatism and liberalism just like your retirement portfolio has elements of security and 'risks' (prospects for growth). if you take out the risk, the liberalism, the FREEDOM, it won't be America any more, at least not as it was conceived by the Founding Fathers. AMERICA is all about RISK. this is an intellectual growth opportunity for all you young Turks. but don't take it from me. hold on a sec...