(I thought you might go to 'car or house not the same as life' -- I was actually thinking of addressing that but thought by saying "Pre-existing conditions could have been addressed by themselves", and "it's no longer fully 'insurance'" would cover that aspect.) Of course a LIFE is different.... But a person who is terminally ill, 80 years old, will not be able to get the same LIFE insurance, for the same price (if at all), as a 25 years old, perfectly healthy person. What you are talking about is no longer INSURANCE -- call it something else, but it's not insurance... 'We' SHOULD take care of people with pre-existing conditions, but not with 'insurance' -- because it would be nearly completely subsidy. It should be separated from being insurance -- IF we are to somehow claim that a 'health insurance market' exists (otherwise, get it over with and move to 'single payer' and stop the selective punishing and rewarding)... In fact, let's also lose misleading terms, such as 'heath care' -- because we all KNOW that it's a big business. It should be called the 'Medical Industry' (or even 'Medical-Industrial-Complex', since the connections of insurers, hospitals, doctors, pharmaceuticals, and now the government, are inseparable.). One of the biggest reasons WHY 'health care' is so expensive is because of the 'Medical-Industrial-Complex'.... After all, if people are being charged $100 for having a bandaid put on -- the real problem is those ridiculous costs, not so much 'who' is going to pay for it.