No matter how many times we delete his account, he is not going to stop. As far as I can tell, the only thing that is going to work at this point, is downvoting, flagging if nessasary, and other than that, ignoring. Otherwise he's just going to keep going, and getting worse. He has already told someone to die of cancer. If he got that low, who knows how much lower he can get? IP banning may not work in the (unlikely) scenario that someone else on imgflip is using his same IP address, and even then, what if he is willing to go at McDonalds all day just to troll people?
Anyway, if you see a nasty comment from him, or anyone else for that matter, downvote it, flag it if nessasary, and ignore it, no matter what.
(and before you ask, yes I used MS paint for those smileys)