Most new users can take the suggestions. Many don't want to put forth the effort because it can be work. Or a lot of fun. I try to have fun. I have fun with comments. I have fun making memes. And I have fun helping people. I've seen them make page one with few suggestions. One person, who was offended by my blunt talk, asked how to do what I suggested. (okay, it came out in an insulting manner) He expected the "Figure it out for yourself" reply, but was shocked when I gave him step by step instructions. He followed the main crux of my suggestions, which was not to put his name on everything he did, and ended up on Page one. He was surprised. My cousin, had forgotten that he even had an account until I asked him to check out my post. He went to set up an account by logging in with his Google ID, and discovered he DID have an account. So, after only two posts 8 months earlier, he posted his third post last January. It went to page one. He's been there several times since, but had to take a break because this is his busy time.
Sounds like I'm bragging, but the main point is that I'm not afraid to help people get to page one if it makes Imgflip a better place. What happens when someone passes me on the top 100? Just like everyone I passed that is active, I just keep doing what I'm doing. Congratulate them and, if I'm lucky, we play tag for a while. Did that a few months ago with another user. Now I'm in the realm on the board were it takes a week or more to move up. I just hope when I get to the point where I have trouble moving up that I can accept camping out there for a while.