(Sorry it's been a whole day since I made this, but I've been trying to work out all the thank you credits and everything, and I haven't had a lot of time. Here it is now though!)
Honestly, you would not believe how many people I have to thank - I'm afraid I just don't have enough time to name them all, but I'm sure you know who you are. To keep it simple, I have boiled it down to a few, important people:
ShayminMemes, for being my best friend and showing me this site in the first place - I would not be here without you;
88mph, for the first comment on one of my memes, and Wolf_Fang for the first reply to one of my comments - you have kickstarted my Imgflip lifetime;
MayrayohSanicNubcaik321 for making The Great Meme Chain, which has inspired pretty much all of my long memes to date - this has proved to be very useful;
Everyone who upvoted both of my 200+ upvote memes, here are the links:
imgflip.com/i/1qp1il and
imgflip.com/i/1m2mrg ;
All the anonymous commenters who have commented on any of my images, even though I’ve got no idea who you are. Thank you anyway;
AndrewFinlayson, howbowdahhhhhh, cashmemeousside (probably the same person), ReflectedMantis and some deleted users for helping me in the fight against trolls – I feel more confident with others by my side, so thank you for that;
DashHopes, MoonYu2 and JStar557 for giving me the most notifications from comments on my memes (jeez this is getting like an awards ceremony now!) – I appreciate all the feedback and silly remarks that I almost certainly would not have thought of myself in that situation;
DashHopes (again), Raydog and Beckett437 for giving me the most notifications by replies to my comments – again, I appreciate all the feedback and stupid statements, and it is an honour to get the opportunity to talk to some of the bigger users;
A few more notable thank yous go to the following people, for completely random things, but mostly the notifications: ghostofchurch, DayRick, socrates, Beckett437, Raydog, swiggys-back, KenJ, Deth_by_dodo, OctaviaMelody, MemesterMemesterson, OlympianProduct, CourierCommenter, fartender, MyMemesAreTerrible, Craziness_all_the_way, . . .