You don't keep having to say "It's a repost." I know that, I put it in the title. I have seen NO ONE ELSE on this website even care about this. Maybe they would if I claimed it as mine, but I didn't. You never even would have KNOWN it was repost if it weren't for the title. I could've just said "Hey guys, look at this funny meme I made." But no, I'm not like that, I gave credit. I understand that it's "still a repost." You saying that didn't shine down a bright light on me and make me rethink my existence. I understand that you're a troll user. Fine, I don't care, but you don't keep on having to say the same thing over and over. No one cares that it's a repost except you. You should really stop trying to find stuff wrong with memes and just laugh at them, it would make your time on this website a lot more fun...