Post decent memes to start with. I went through your profile and found half of your memes worth an upvote. (I'd already upvoted a couple) The other half? Meh. Political ones can be poison these days because of last years US election. I rarely downvote them, but I sure don't upvote them either. (best political one was the college liberal now a GOP soccer mom. It was funny without being mean)
Second: reply AND upvote comments on your memes. Your comments and meme posts aren't that much different. This is where an average meme maker messes up. I get points for meme commenting on your meme. Doesn't matter if you reply or not, I get them. BUT, If you upvote my comments here, AND reply (LOL, Thanks are common meme maker replies) then you get points. Not many, UNLESS, you reply with a meme comment. Like 20 points for an upvote, and 10 more for each additional one.
Next, start commenting on other people's memes. Start with commenting on memes already on page one. Of the 14 there, you should be able to find 5 worth commenting on where you can show your talent as a quick wit. Why page one memes? That's where people can see your comments and upvote them. So, stay positive. If you comment on one of Raydog's or Crazy's, or Dash's, or on the rare occasion I make it there, be positive but funny. If you come out of nowhere and try insult humor, chances are your comments will get downvoted and your posting and commenting ability will be limited. Most page one meme makers like it if you play the top this game. You may not be able to top the original post, but by making a funny comment will cause people to notice and try and top you. I've done some that went beyond the limit of replies allowed for a single thread, and had fun outdoing the other memesters. What if they outdo me? If I can't out do them, I upvote their comment, and admit defeat. It's not life and death here, but it's fun to match wits with witty people. After you've done 5 comments in the hot pages (page one, in particular) switch over to the Latest pages. If you see a meme you can give a funny comment on, do it. The meme itself doesn't have to be funny, but rather, one you can play off of. This way, if the meme does make page one, there you are at the top of the comments list. That gets you noticed, and people start checking your other posts.
imgflip relies on it's ability as a social network to promote meme makers. New users ignore the social aspect, Part of that social aspect is building your fan club