Pharmaceutical Foot Soldiers of the AMA, APA, ADA, add Monsanto the FDA and CDC ,include the Pharmaceutical cartel, and together, certainly they've caused more pain suffering and premature death to human beings then all the war's in human history put together. More longevity came about because of sanitation and refrigeration .
They do know how to deal with physical injuries but when it comes to disease they just milk it for dollars.In effect at least 2/3 of what they do is QUACKERY. I don't like those odds. For the majority brainwashed by the Medicine Show and need help I'd recommend
Traditional Naturopathy, Homeopathy , distilled water, organic food , natural herbs, as some legitimate options. Read the book "Sick And Tired" by Robert Young to understand the extent to which we've been fooled . He demonstrates his points with real scientific proof.
Health Freedom is essential. Coercion by organized guilds and cartels is criminal and tragic .