I wasn't arguing. But, since you brought it up: the very definition of "generalization" allows for exceptions. There are always exceptions when it comes to people because, as everyone knows, not all people are the same. Hence why I didn't say "all" and why there's such a thing as specifics. Unfortunately, society is based on the needs and wants of the majority. Think marketing: nobody asks what a group of people wants and then does what the least number of people says.That's not where the profit is. Laws are also (supposed to be) set up to meet the needs of-at least- as many people as possible, but there will always be those that don't see benefit. Anyway, my empathy comment was not intended to ignore the minority of men who feel empathy to the degree of the majority of women (I'm sure there are some women who don't really care about their societal standing). In fact, maybe I should have stated up front that I am grateful that the men in that minority exist; I wouldn't be married with 2 great kids if they didn't ;)