1. No one is complaining about the harrasment, expelling, and wholesale slaughter of everyone from the Animists to Zoroastrians in those countries except when it suits a particular agenda (i.e. stopping isil in Iraq).
2. Zoroastrians, for example, have been in that area for 3500 - 4000 years. Hindus longer. They are not immigrating into lands that they are not comfortable in, they were there before even Yahweh was born. They ARE home.
3. Migrants are not. They have a choice, many, in fact. No one is forcing them to come here. They don't have to like it. They don't have to be here either.
4. Not all haters are Muslims. The assumption that the OP is exactly that, is one born of the same attititude that engendered the problem in the first place.
5. I may be wrong, but that name rings Indi, Hindu Indi. As in from India - you know, that country that forcibly expelled much of it's own Muslim population 70 years ago.
AKA: ALL hate is wrong, even that from the 3rd world "victims" we laud/lord over and assume is our right to speak for because we believe that they are incapable of doing so for themselves, despite 8000+ years of known civilization,,,