Of course its not just physical, the male and female mind is programed differently and also hormones are a contributing factor, That is implied and goes without saying. But in the end you only have male or female not 72 different genders, only 2. Not everyone suffers from CAIS thats irrelevant and a different problem. Im not sure where you are trying to go with this but like i said in my last comment its that these people intentionally choose to live a lie because of the thrill that they get out of it, its behavioural. So im only going to say this one last time cuz i dont wanna argue basic knowledge with you all night, there is only 2 genders not 72, that is a fact. Those who reject the gender they are born with do so because of the enjoyment and thrill they get from the identifying with a gender that does not exist or the gender that they are not. Just cuz they want to act and think like something else doesnt mean they will magically transform into it. If i try to act and think like a cat it doesnt mean im going to turn into one. You are bound to the laws of nature and genetics and there is nothing you can do about it.