Hilarious! :D
Thanks for taking part!
If anything goes wrong, it's Socrates fault!
3 ups, 8y,
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3 ups, 8y,
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Have mercy on Grumpy Cat and her feline cousins! Lol! :D
3 ups, 8y,
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I am an equal opportunity torturer. ;)
3 ups, 8y,
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I'm a cat person, so I'll add side with Grumpy, on this one!
Your submissions are hilarious!
Thanks for taking part! :D
3 ups, 8y,
1 reply
Thank you, and Socrates for this weekend. O A G is one of my favorites to work with, and tends to be one of my more popular memes. I try not to post these too offer, so it doesn't get stale.
3 ups, 8y
It was Socrates idea! I just went with the flow, and I'm enjoying you'll memes! I have no regrets! Socrates will make his rounds later! ;)