Anarchists are criminals that use the cover of crowds and they belong in jail doing hard labor. Society is the giving up some of your individual rights for the greater good of the commonwealth, but earning in its place greater access to programs that the individual can not do by oneself.
I don't mind paying taxes because of what I get in return. What I don't want is my tax money wasted. I also can look to other countries and see what they are doing right and wonder why we can't do better. We steal from our schools and blame our incoming workforce for being undereducated. We steal from our workforce to make a few hedgefund managers richer. We allow corporations to more of a say to our elected politicians than we do. How does this happen?
It happens because they fed you and me a steady stream of "social" issues they know divide us. When they know you will vote strictly party line, they no longer have to worry about actually helping you.
I am no longer a member of a political party. They have to earn my vote. This last election was a disaster in my eyes. No sane republican can run anymore because there is a now a no compromise test for getting the nomination. The Democrats shoot themselves in the foot constantly. They ignored the ground swell that was Bernie Sanders message (I'm biased, I have met the man and long before his presidential run)
Most importantly, stop reading or listening only to people or groups you already agree with. I read columns of people I really dislike because of two reasons. One I need to understand their point of view and two, occasionally, abet rarely, they make a good point that I agree with.