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2,276 views 1 upvote Made by RichardStiles 8 years ago in fun
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That's because your example is TOO SMALL.

It's also ON EARTH when you tested your theory.

Sorry dude, the Earth isn't flat.

There is a God though. :{D
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Yes it is. You just aren't thinking for yourself yet. There are lots of Gods. They are the Elohim, the Architect Angels. The meanest 33% of them are in here with us. About a half dozen of those pretended to be the top God in the Old Testament. The one Moses met was Samael. He claimed to be the only one, but he was jealous of the others. When you can think about that without forcing yourself not to, you'll be freeminded enough to think about flat earth without forcing yourself not to.
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why would the Earth be flat, but then God makes the sun and moon balls?

Seriously dude, the Earth isn't a plane, it's a globular spheroid.

And there's only ONE God. That's in the Bible too. Isiah 45:5. 'There are none besides me(God).'

Ask yourself why would there be more than one infinite being?

Elohim in the Bible is plural because God is infinite.

Same with Heaven, water, angels, etc. (Shamayim, mayim, malachim, Ophanim, Cherubim, Seraphim, etc.)

The "im" on the end of these words in Hebrew is to denote that they're plural, but also infinite in their cases.

what you're talking about are fallen malachim(angels).

Gadreel(god-ree-el) is the malachim that tempted Eve in the Garden and is the origin of the word "god".

And to be fair, we should all be calling "God" by Its names of Yahweh, Abba(Father), or Elohim. But the Creator can read your heart so it's all good if you still call It "God".

And you're still wrong, because both the Bible and Enoch described the Earth as round in Hebrew.

The word that was mistranslated as "corner" is kanaph which meant extremity or wings. So when you see "four corners of the Earth" in the KJV it's actually the four wings or four extremities.

The whole Flat Earth Theory is being pushed by the UN to demonize monotheism.

Don't get duped. :{
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"Let US create Man in OUR image." The Elohim are the Architects. I said Samael (Yahweh, I Am) claimed to be the only one. Everything that claims to be the one and only God gets your automatic worship? It was evil. It admitted in Isaiah that it was evil. And look what it did to Job. And it did have to argue with its Elohim brothers over its right to play games with Job's life. Why would the Father God have to argue with his own sons about his rights? He wouldn't. That was Samael arguing with his brothers about his rights to play games with the little humans. If you know the Bible, it doesn't add up except the way I'm saying. And if you know the globe "science" it doesn't add up either. The Earth is a circular disc set in a square base. That's how it was described in Enoch. If the evil God of the Old Testament really was the Father God, I wouldn't worship it, because I would not bow to an evil god even if it was God. Consequences be damned. Maybe that's the real test. I think the Father God would judge us more by our dark/light balance than our willingness to feed its ego.
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That's only due to improper translation into English though.

God is an infinite being.

If It says "us" or "our" it's still a singular infinite being. You're just confused because of the mistranslation.

God isn't evil, your just blaming God for free will and judgment.

And NO, God didn't argue with any "brothers", that's more misinterpretations on your part.

The words in Hebrew were bane elohim(sons of God(the angels)) and Satan/hasatan(the adversary of God). And Satan is a TITLE, not an entity.

Yehoshua(Jesus) was given the title of Satan(Adversary of God) once in the Bible too.

It doesn't mean what modern English thinking people think it means.

And no dude, the Bible most certainly doesn't add up to your Gnostic version of it.

And no again dude, the Earth is NOT described as a circular plane set in a square in Enoch. I've read it several times. I know you're pulling that out of thin air.

You're calling God evil. why?

Do you think your parents are evil if YOU get beat up at school or a bird shits on you?

No right?

God isn't evil, It just allows us free will. The only evil in the world is in the hearts of mortals and the fallen angels.

You're doing what is called confusing light for dark and dark for light.

There could mathematically only be one infinite being. There would be literally no reason or need for a second, let alone dozens.

Stop believing Gnosticism is all I could suggest to you. :{K
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I never mentioned the evil of men, I said the OT God personally committed and commanded evil acts. Before the mistranslation, it was and still is called Samael in the Torah. Yeshua was against the evil old Hebrew God, and that is why they killed him. Not long after he told them their God was the Devil. Yeshua replaced the sin-bait, designed to be failed Ten Commandments with the Golden Rule of benevolence. Basically, just be a good person and you'll be alright. Which means that the Father God is judging our benevolence, not our worship. The Father God doesn't need us to worship Him, He'd just like for us to be Light, so we won't pollute Him when we return to Him. Maybe you don't believe in the sons of God because your groupthink religion tells you Yeshua was the only son. Yeshua was the only begotten son. Meaning he was the only son to be born into flesh. But Emmanuel has spirit brothers. The Devilgod Samael was one of them. When they talked in the wilderness, they already knew each other. Yeshua acknowledged it as the God of Earth, but not the God of Heaven. How would the Father God get to Earth? Did he cast himself out of heaven? Yeshua had to be birthed to get here. If the OT Earthgod was the Father God walking the Earth just fine on its own, why did it later have to send Yeshua as its proxy? The Devilgod in the wilderness offered Yeshua a kingdom to switch sides. Who was promising kingdoms as reward for loyalty in OT? I think you resist flat Earth because you can't give up your space fantasy. I also had a space fantasy. I had to give it up to face reality. There are more fantastic things this way, though. We're actually closer to other worlds than we thought. Some are through Hyperboria, beneath the one and only pole. That's the underworld, actually. It may not be as bad as we were told, but it's not heaven. Heaven is just beyond that va**na shaped fissure in the sky we call the Milky Way. It's where the dome opens up to Heaven. Heaven is no longer a concept and a matter of faith, we can see it from here. Always could. There are other worlds past the sides of this one, past the Antarctic rim. Our government nuked it in the 50's and 60's, trying to crack the dome, to get to the neighboring worlds. It was seriously, historically called Operation Fishbowl. And there are otherdimensional worlds overlapping this one. Just because we have to give up our space fantasy does't mean wonder is over. It means we have new wonders to ponder, and they're right here.
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I know that's why I mentioned the evil of men. You didn't mention it at all and jsut blamed Yahweh.

No, Yahweh never did anything "evil". It carried out Its will. It's "God". It can do what It wants.

we should just be thankful for the chance to live. It could be way worse right? Like being crippled or having a mental disorder.

That's Yahweh showing you how good YOU have it.

You could have been born a dung beetle. Or an ant. Or a mouse.

But you were born human. You have it better than ALL the other creatures. Even better than "angels".

No, Samael is in the TALMUD, NOT the TORAH. There's a Samuel.

The Jews that follow the Talmud are the ones mention in Revelation. But that includes the Holy Roman Cotholic Church too.

The ones that follow the Torah are the same as good Chrisitians. They just haven't accepted that Messiah has already came. Other than that they're fine good people.

And no, Yehoshua did NOT replace anything. "New Covenant" is a mistranslation. It's a Renewed Covenant. Not a new one or a replaced one.

The Renewed Covenant isn't new at all. Yehoshua quotes the OT and some apocryphal books constantly and so do His Disciples.

Yehoshua said to JUDGE people according to the Bible. And to judge yourself before you judge another.

I didn't say I don't believe in the Sons of God, don't lie.

You're trying to give sentience to ASPECTS of God. Angels are like tools to God, not beings.

Yehoshua is Yahweh in a mortal body. Not separate.

If you ever ask "how did God do this..." you don't understand the concept of a God.

I resist flat Earth because I know the Earth is a spheroid. I can see the curvature looking out an airplane window.

I can see it driving cross country. At least notice it.

Again, why is the moon a sphere?

why do you limit God? You think God can't make a spheroid Earth, but we can make up all this bullshit science fiction?

The underworld is called Sheol.

You think the Milky way looks like a va**na? Are you a teenager by chance?

There is no physical "dome" though. You think that because of that rocket video supposedly hitting the dome right? You know what it really hit? The spot where the pressure of the atmosphere dropped exponentially and was in a low orbit momentarily before falling back to Earth.

The military experiments you're talking about are what created the "ozone hole". But they were only named in reference to the idea that the Bible says there's a glass dome.

To be continued... :{
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...The idea of flat earth is a UN/Globalist plot to make us easier to control, and to push the idea that we have too many people on Earth.

They get to demonize Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Ancient Alien theory, etc. AND get to lower the population to their 500,000 mark they love so much. (Georgia Guidstones)

The idea is to LIMIT US AND GOD.

You really think that the human brain could come up with the idea of flying balls that were so heavy shit stuck to them and that people would eventually learn to defeat gravity to go to other balls, but God can't? Or wouldn't?

If there is a Good God and a Bad God, why doesn't the Good God destroy the other? Or why doesn't the Good God fly over head telling us about all this on a daily basis?

You can see the idea of there being more than one God raised more questions than it answers right?

At least monotheism has Occam's Razor backing it up. The simplest explanation is the most likely. It doesn't get any simpler than there being only one God.

The UN/Globalists have you fooled dude.

Enoch describes being on a spacecraft and a black hole fairly well for someone from that era.

Unless you're going to tell me that scientists ripped off the Book of Enoch for his description of a black hole?

Again, you're being duped by an agenda designed to keep you enslaved.

The idea of planets is a great example of God giving us free will. we're meant to explore. we're designed to. :{D
3 ups, 8y,
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The only people who say "Globalists" are Jonestards. I used to be one of those too, until I saw that he's a Zionist shill, pushing the "We're so screwed" agenda. The "Globalists" invented the "globe", to put God far away and hide the obviousness of Creation. Big Bangs don't produce enclosed flat habitats, Gods do. You're mistaken about Samael not being in the Torah. Look again. The real Hebrew Jews are Luciferians. Lucifer is a title not a name, and all the angels good and bad are Lucifers. Samael is the main one who played God to the Hebrews. All the Fallen Angels were competing for control of Earth, and the Hebrew Devilgod Samael edged the others out, and ended up ruling the Earth for a while. His righteous brother Emmanual was born into flesh because it was the only way to come to Earth without being cast down like his evil brothers were. It was those three days that he was still on earth in his spirit form between his death and ascension that Emmanuel fought his evil brother, the Earthgod Samael, and defeated him, locked him in a dark dimension with the turn of a key. Your OT God is not the Earthgod anymore, Moloch is. Moloch is the Babylonian God of the Khazarian false Jews, the Talmudic Zionist Israelis. Lucifer is the God of the Hebrew Jews. Satan is the God of the white Jews. Lucifer and Satan have been rivals all along. They are the two who competed for the soul of Job. How can you believe for one second that the Father God would be capable of such evil and pettiness? How can you believe the Father God needs his ass constantly kissed? That's the Devil, man, can't you tell it by its fruits? All establishment "science" is scientism, the worship of men. Pythagoras, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, Tyson, they're all Satanists, man. Hawking is not even there, he's a vegged out invalid, with the agendists feeding lines to his talkbox. They laugh that you actually believe a vegged out invalid figured out the universe. They want you to believe you're a spec of dust in a vast universe full of countless other specs of dust, insignificant. In reality, we are the center of the universe. We're here for a reason. We are the crucible in which good and evil are separated. Seek God through your heart, mind and spirit, not through manmade, corrupted mistranslated religions. All branches of the church are evil at the top. The popes. rabbis, imams and pastors are all Luciferians and Satanists. They know the earth is flat, and they know the Earthgods are Devils.
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The only people that say Zionist shills are antisemites.

See how that worked out?

Show me a verse in Hebrew of Samael in the Torah then.

Yeah you're just reading the Gnostic Bible though, that's why your view on the Bible is so skewed.

There is NO devil/satan/lucifer as an entity like you're making it sound.

Sataniel is the Adversary of God in Hebrew. This concept was the concept of the propensity of evil within humans. we have this because God gave us free will.

But there is NO entity of evil controlling anything.

There is just God and Creation.

I don't believe that God is petty or evil. You seem to though.

Mainly because you think God is evil if an earthquake kills people you love kind of things.

Newton was Christian.

Hawking isn't the first person to describe a black hole if that's why you're trying to criticize him.

And you're trying to make the space "theory" make us seem insignificant, which is in EVERY flat earth video.

Talking points show that you don't really think.

Flat earth is the agenda to control you.

You think there's an evil God right? why won't the Good God free us from this flat enclosure then?

why are we limited to a single disk?

You're clearly misled by man made religions though. You think the earth is flat.

It would literally be much easier for them to control us if they could convince us the earth is flat.

we'd all think let's not overpopulate and lets not use up all our land. And let's have pope/priest tell us why we're in this bubble.

You're mislead dude. You bought a total lie hook line and sinker.

Do you also believe in the Mandella Effect?

You should reread the Bible and Enoch. Maybe the next time will uncloud your mind. :{D
2 ups, 8y,
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I got to the part where you think white Khazarian Zionists are real Jews, and I realized you are too unthinking to reach. I'm not interested in talking to you anymore. Go bother someone else.
2 ups, 8y
I think you realized I can easily shoot holes in your logic and got butthurt about it. :{D
0 ups, 8y
Omg. Really?????
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