Let me guess, you said something political that he got mad at? X{D
I love this site too. I've been here close to every day since I started in September of 2015.
And yeah, way too many alt using trolls are ruining the site and trying to take it over.
we're going to stop that shit though.
But no matter what, you have to keep at this and post at least one awareness meme a day.
Even if top users start saying stuff like "who cares". we have to keep spreading the word on these trolls and exposing them and their alts.
we have to get the site to a point where NONE of the current users have alt accounts. And then we can eradicate the trolls too.
Thanks again for helping out OpanIRL! It's really appreciate and shows that you are one of the few people ACTUALLY TRYING to make a difference on imgflip.
And not with false virtue signalling either.
If you already have an awareness meme, only post its link in private. That way the trolls don't try to dv or flag it before it features.
I'll get you and BA a link to that stream by the end of tonight okay? :{D