>waaaaaahhhhh your filled with hate racist waaaaahhhhhh
You leftwing shits are filled with constant angry murderous hate and you deserve to have your miserable shriveled angry faces smashed in with a f**king hammer until all the spoiled self-entitled hate shloshing around inside your vacuous skulls bleeds out dry onto the ground.
>waaaaaaahhhh shitty ideas
LIBERALISM IS A F**KING SHITTY IDEA. Every f**king city and state you dumbshits control is a crime-infested f**ked up ghetto filled with gangbangers and panhandlers. Go f**king move to Mexico if you love Mexicans and murder so damn badly.
>waaaahhhh i'm oppressed
You need to be dragged out into the street and have all that angry miserable hate you'll so f**king bloated with forcefully beaten out of you by the same murderous cartel wetback shit you love so damn much you spoiled hate-filled piece of racist Antifa shit.
F**k liberal SJW Google for forcing this alt-left bullshit into EVERY F**KING WEB SEARCH.