ANTIFA are AGAINST FASCISTS COMING TO POWER USING MOB RULE. They have no other overarching or unified agenda. Mostly just essentially progressive, tolerant. POINTS OF UNITY.
BLM - is about ending unaccountable police murder (which happens to pooor folks, mostly, and FAR TOO OFTEN- but happens disproportionately to poor BLACK folks).
Hardly MOB RULE. But, a crowd attacking anyone who disagrees with the soon-to-be-installed DEAR LEADER, by attending one of his KLAN/Campaign rallies to protest it... NOW MOB RULE.
I am familiar with political science, history, sociology, and the Greesk word RES = Thing - object - property as in RES-ident (=property of the STATE in which it RES-ides).
Democracy means DEMO(S) - people. Ocracy - Rule. But historically the question is WHICH people get to rule, patricians only, or plebes too. Now days we have the 2 party stranglehold which gives you 2 CONTROLLED (patrician) candidates (Bonesman W Vs Bonesman K) to choose from.... And that's When the votes are not STOLEN outright by rigged machines and CLOSED SOURCE COMPILING/Tabulating software..(the "trade secret" is how you got JOBBED).
So we got's problems sure. But mob rule might be preferable to the crypto-elit-ocracy we've been under for some time now.
Your problem (my guess) is that you are a RESIDENT of a STATE (which consequently tells you what to do ALOT, and taxes you and violates abunch rights that the 14th amendment doesn't protect...- but, hey they OWN your ass), that wants the rights of a state (or State) of the free people who started this mess. But you receive BENEFITS like LIMITED LIABILITY for your actions under Statutory law - NOT the unlimited liability of a free man @ common law. might help you get a grip on this...
Otherwise it sounds like David Koch's brand of psuedo-Libertarian garbage..
Corporations, like the KOCHs' S-Corps., 'ARE NOT PEOPLE my friends'. They have 0 inalienable RIGHTS conferred to them by the Almighty...just a bunch of specious judicial doctrines which shall be falling in SHORT ORDER.
I thought your meme was a JUST CRITIQUE of our MONSTEROUS foreign policy and its justifications. My mistake...