If the moon was flat it could still look like a crescent if something blocked it. But I get your point.
I think they know the earth isn't flat and are trolling religious people by pretending to be religious and claiming the earth is flat and the UN/Nasa are "hiding God" from us by not telling us.
But they're just trolling for the UN to demonize the Abrahamic Monotheism that comes from the Bible(Judaism/Islam/Christianity/2 other religions).
Just like the media trolls Trump with weird schoolyard bully tactics(stop hitting yourself), the UN/paid trolls are online trolling religious people.
And yeah, the global warming/cooling/man made climate change is all bullshit.
Of course there's smog, acid rain, and cities heating up from massive amounts of concrete and asphalt.
But these are obviously all localized. And the earth is able to filter our air through plants.
The liberal progressives literally have no argument. They're just butthurt because animals die and people don't share their same pacifistic views. And they usually hate their parents. Or at least resent them. X{D