The Legacy/Vintage thing isn't important though, the point is that it's the same exact vehicle from that line repackaged. But thanks for pointing that out to me. I was just there looking at it and still calling it the Vintage one.
The Vintage one IS a repaint of the Legacy one though, unlike the new BS one. That one is just repacked.
It doesn't have new/different/better/more detailed paint apps than the walmart version.
Since it's literally the same vehicle, the BS one will behave the same way. I can guarantee that the bottom of that Scout walker has a 2009 stamped on it. Meaning it's the same exact toy, not an upgraded version in any way. I'm %100 sure.
Trust me, that BS one is going to be identical in every way to mine(Legacy version). If I manage to get one, I'll post pics of them side by side to show you what I mean.
VC's problem is clearly isolated too.
I've never had problems with mine. And none of my friends that got one ever complain about it. (I have three friends who each got at least one, with one friend getting 3 of them.)
She could also be being paid for good reviews. Her video on the killing off of the 3 3/4 line sounded like she's unbiased, but that's the only one I've seen. I'll find the one you're talking about and check it out though.
But that kind of shit is all over youtube and the net right now . Like the Hill bots being paid to troll Trump supporters, Disney has shills paid to troll anti-Disney people. I get attacked on YT a lot when I make anti-Disney comments. They come out of nowhere too.
I just watched that Mark Dice video on the Survive video. I saw your huffing paint guy too. A user named Richard Head(lol dick head) has it as his avatar image.
I was like "that's Sith's meme man!" Dude could be an imgflip user that likes your memes. I had one of mine show up in a video a guy made about TFA and how he didn't like it. I was kind of proud of it. It's that one I did of comic book guy saying worst star wars ever.
And yeah, the libs are probably plottin' on Mark now. I hope he's keeping his wits about him.
He lives in my hometown of San Diego too. The beach he goes to is like a mile north of the one I always went to. But I always recognize the areas.
And his cameraman is great. Zooming in on some hotties in between shots. :{D