Most people in the world don't think this way and put so much meaning to race. It is also not biologically based, it is defined by the biggest cultural differences plus general appearance. If two races come from the same culture but still look different than no one will care. If two different cultures and each have a majority population who look a certain way than people will generalize the other culture as a race instead, that is how you get races and racism. Seriously, your race cant prove your cultural background, or your actions. For example in Xinjiang, China most people are mixed raced between "asian people" and "white people". Yes I just said China and a word other than asian people in the same sentence. There are plenty of people there who look 100% mongoloid, and 100% caucazoid but everyone comes from the same cultural backround and acts the same so no one really cares. Only in america would people actually "identify" as a certain race.