I've been keeping a secret from y'all...
*I* am Donald Trump:
First-hand experience:
This was me:
I had a personal stake in making this one:
This is one reason it's hard to save money:
Yup, I'm homeless. Have been over a year now. But I'm NOT asking for sympathy.
I was off the grid in Oklahoma. One thing you should know before making the decision to go off the grid: you will have NO credit history if you decide to come back.
My mother, in Michigan, needed some help, like a live-in caretaker and help paying her bills. So, I came back home. But her landlord said I can't stay at her apartment, not even one night.
In Oklahoma, I was working as an inventory clerk. I can type 67 words per minute at 97% accuracy. But something happened over the years: employers started doing credit checks on prospective employees.
So finding work that paid a good wage was particularly difficult. I abhor factory work, but after 2 months of not finding a job, I gave in and applied for one. Not a "great" wage, $9/hr, but at least it wasn't minimum wage. It's actually not a bad job, either.
In the morning, Mom would pick me up from the shelter and take me back to her place. I'd do some cleaning and get her lunch around. She'd take me to work shortly after lunch (second shift) and pick me up at the end of my shift to take me back to the shelter.
Because I don't have bills like rent and utilities, I don't qualify for assistance. I make too much money. Helping my mom pay her bills don't count. Nor do my medical bills, because my employer offers insurance (which sucks--thanks Obamacare).
Then last February, Mom didn't pick me up. She didn't answer her phone, even though I tried 3 times to call. I spent $40 on a cab to get me to her apartment, and I found her on the floor. She'd had a stroke.
She has recovered, for the most part. She has trouble remembering the right words she intends to say (like asking me to check the trash, when she means the mail). And her doctor has forbidden her to drive.
But, hey, it could be worse.