This seriously happened to me when I was a little girl.
My room was next to the living room and in the middle of the night I heard the sliding glass door open.
I KNEW it was Santa...
I got up and very quietly snuck out to the living room and saw Santa next to the tree.
Tons of presents were all around the tree! There was a bike there too!
I gasped!
Santa turned around and said "Shhhh... go back to bed!"
Of course I scurried back and for a long time heard him coming in and out of the sliding door.
Finally it was quiet.
I fell asleep.
I was SOOO excited when I woke up, could hardly wait to see the mountain of presents!
When we turned the corner into the living room.... The Grinch stole our Christmas!
There was NOTHING left! NOTHING!
Just the tree and a few broken bulbs.
It was the Christmas I had just turned 9 (My birthday is Dec 14th)
Sad, sad Christmas. But not as sad as this year. My dad died 2 weeks ago. :-(