Neo-liberalism, firstly conservatism with liberal window dressing. That conservatism prevents Conservatives, and in turn, neo-liberals, from realizing, or ignoring, consequences of their actions. They are not communist, but it would spoil their world view if someone told them their actions would lead to communism down the road. Either blinded by stupidity or greed, they do not want to consider that Americans would actually realize how corrupt our government is and would finally revolt. Why do you think our military budget is so high. It's not because our government leaders worry about an external threat, but rather, an internal one.
Currently, our Republic is an ogliarchy. We have the illusion of electing our leaders, but their strings are being pulled by their corporate overlords. Such overlords would do anything to ti stay in power except treat others with respect and fairness. It's a sadism deeply ingrained in them. They have the monetary and political power to do it, and don't fear revolt because they know that they can unleash the US military against the modern revolutionary. Think not? Count the number of times the US military, state militias, and even local law enforcement have attacked American civilians. The Bonus Army fired upon by our own military: WWI vets that desperately needed the money proimised them because we were in a depression. The Memorial Day massacre that left a swath of death and injuries to unarmed men, women and children at the hands of the Chicago police. Kent State where the Ohio National Guard killed 4 unarmed students. Waco, another massacre but one with a difference: this was one time the massacred were able to fire back. Most recently, Occupy Wall Street. Non-violent protesters being maced, even while in custody.
These are the incidents that lead to revolution. Why do you think so many private corporate jets are in this country? When it hits, the men behind the curtain want a fast escape. They'll cut their losses only then, but have enough stashed outside the US to live comfortably and reestablish themselves elsewhere. And who do you think will step in to take over? If the revolutionaries win, they won't have the power to set up a new republic. Canada, as large as it is, won't attempt an invassion. The UK, nor none of the European nations, have the inclination. Japan lacks the military strength. Only China and Russia have the military might to step in.