Bush was wrong to start the Iraq war, but once we were there for years and developed a presence, it was equally wrong to pull out in the fashion they did leaving behind billions of dollars worth of military tech.
Jonathan Gruber bragged about lying about Obamacare and said they relied on the "stupidity of the American people to get the ACA passed". They didn't advertise the parts about it being a mandate or there being a penalty which is just as bad as lying whether they did or didn't. Not to mention it's a disaster. It was sold as something that would be affordable and accessible. Instead premiums skyrocketed and level of care went down. And people that can't afford insurance are getting fined a thousand dollars. That's ridiculous and unconstitutional. It was supposed to help poor people, not make them more poor, and if it wasn't for Trump repealing it, the fine amount would've continued to go up.