the refugee crisis in Europe is not a humanitarian one. How many refugees go to Saudi Arabia, or Qatar, or Iran or Israel? They're being forced into Europe for two reasons.
1. is to cause social unrest. the EU wants its own army, they'll only get one if there's enough civil unrest that the European people ask the EU to help...this is called the "Hegelian Dialectic", Naomi Klein calls it "problem, reaction, solution"
2. The refugees are being forced into Europe in preparedness for TTIP (this is the European version of TPP). The refugees will be a willing cheap source of labour when the corporations start driving down wages to promote profit maximisation.
this is why Clinton wanted a 550% increase in immigrants. but remember, the muslim refugees are being played in all of this, just as much as white people. it's people like Soros who are behind it. They're the ones who gain