Sore loser , No wonder the country went with Trump because liberals like you just name call and then gripe because the country is divided and now whine about losing. How about putting your energy into a Positive approach for this country ...
Funny someone who supports Trump would have a problem with name calling, just look at how many people he's called loser, or fat, or ugly, or paid an underhanded compliment to. Look it up, it came out of his own mouth, on camera, numerous times.
Never said he was perfect ...But neither was Hillary by a long shot and she was always labeling voters , so we Deplorables showed her ! He won , accept it and move forward
I honestly don't know what to say to you , I thought Americans were better than that. He is no more evil than anyone else and he supports the Constitution and America.He made his way in life like the rest of us do.