>Raise record amounts of money in 2017
Maybe they will raise some amount of money. But that doesn't mean that she deserves to go Scott free. Hillary didn't deserve exoneration for Benghazi at all! She overtly called the mother of one of the soldiers who died in the incident there a liar!
>inb4 shitty articles from MSNBC, politifact, Snopes, and modern CNN that depict a false narrative of her being wrongfully persecuted by "EBIL alt-right" to cover her ass!
Hillary Clinton:
>Called blacks "super predators" back in 1996
>Used her position to intimidate and silence people that her husband sexually assaulted, such as a college intern woman, and a black prostitute(the latter of which gave birth to a mulatto son.)
>has been in bed with the Saudi and UAE governments; governments that deliberately exacute homosexual men and women or castrate them for having sex and jail female rape victims.