Like o said, I consider the source. O'Keefe, who's been running that for years, has been known to edit tapes, chop up interviews, and basically misrepresent everything. I wouldn't believe the man if he said it was snowing in the middle of s blixzrd.
I've come to the same conclusions in various ways. Early warning bells on the Hillbots starting fights: one incident sticks out in my mind. Security was hauling a protester out when a Trump supporter started attacking him. What's wrong with this picture? First look at the picture the media was painting of Trump. How many times have you heard the phrase racist applied to him? So who was the "Trump supporter" that attacked the Hillbot? He was a black man. Based on media coverage before and after the fact, it should have been a white guy attacking a black man. But it was a set up that was not properly handled. Whoever did it made more mistakes because they knew the Hillbots would eat it up. And they did.
Voter fraud? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, and I'm not aiming it at you personally, but... Puh-leeez! I'm a progressive and supported Sanders, and have since 2012. Do you think I couldn't see the election fraud going on? It will get worse on election night, as untraceable, electronic votes somehow, magically start tripping Trump votes to Hillary. Watch: see how many states overwhelmingly show Hillary as the winner, but elect Republican governor, congressial representatives, state legislature, and governors.
I did a meme the other day that was very popular: one about Trump signs versus Hillary signs. Locally, I notice a lot of Trump signs, but only one Hillary sign. Yet you see a ton of signs for other Democratic candidates. You don't see GOP signs other than Trump. Go figure.
As for the source? How often do watch Brian Williams on MSNBC. He was only caught in one lie, and he's lucky to have a job. O'Keefe has repeatedly been caught doing his creative editing because he can get a better story.
But I wouldn't give him the time of day. He blew it by practicing a lack of integrity in journalism that I find offensive.
Don't think creative editing like he's known for can slant a story? I could interview anyone for a half hour and come up with a story, via careful editing, that could cause that person greivious harm to their reputation. And I'm not talking print, but actual video tape.
Besides, with my internet connection, I don't have the time to view many, if any, videos.