Go on. Just start a flame war with someone, maybe a Clinton supporter, and tell them Waffle is trans. I dare ya. Do it to a close friend of her's like Octavia_Melody. Octy's really close to Waffle, if you haven't noticed already. (I assume that because you're a Trump supporter and can't notice anything.) Go tell someone like TRHTimmy or Kenj. They're on Waffle's stream as well. libtard, Juicydeath1025 (he's not on the stream yet), OlympianProduct, Mooseman684 (yes, he flagged my MyrianWaffleEv is Transgender meme), Renegade_Sith (even freaking Renegade_sith, an actual Trump supporter), tetsuoswrath (need I say more?), anyone one of those guys. See how they react (tets is going to react badly, I know that from instinct, I've argued with him once). :[ <-- (how else do you think I got this emoticon?)