"I don't concede the list is accurate" In that case, I don't concede that anything you typed is true. HItler-y is the serial liar. Everyone knows it. Her own staff knows it. You may be the only person on earth that doesn't. Funny thing is, prior to running for office on the Republican ticket, no one ever called Trump a liar. Funny how that happens. Here's proof that you take him literally on everything but seriously on nothing (and that's your mistake). I understand how to negotiate (I do it for a living every single day). When you want 100, you open up at 500. Trump wants (100% justifiably) for our allies to foot more of the bill for NATO. Where do you think he should open? Or do you think we should bankrupt the country because some doofus idiot said, HEY LET'S LET THE USA FOOT 75% OF THE BILL!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! ALL WHILE WE MAKE TRILLIONS SELLING THEM CHEAP CRAP!!!!!!! Only a complete idiot would think he would abandon our allies. Only. An. Idiot. But only an idiot would think we're getting a fair shake too. Round up and deport 11 million (it shoulda been done a long time ago but the dumbasses in DC want voters). No Trump supporter I know thinks this will happen but again, you open up with a doozy and maybe you'll get something pretty good as opposed to the crap sandwich Mexico is cramming down our throats now. And there are legitimate and legal ways to make Mexico pay for it ... Personally, I'm 100% pro torture for terrorists. I don't care. Torture the hell out of them. Wrap them in pig skins and blow their brains out in front of their comrades. Worked for Great Britain in India. If you charge our military with armed aircraft or naval vessels, we should shoot. If you charge at a cop when armed, he should shoot. Common sense, even on the world stage. You see, NO ONE respects us anymore because we have a p*ssy for a president. Birtherism. HAHA! Started by Hitler-y. Never really settled since his birth certificate was obviously tampered with on the pixel level. Every expert that saw it said so it's just that they were shouted down by idiots who believe anything Obama says. Khan bashed Trump first. I guess you're not allowed to fight back if you're a Republican. Only Democrats would believe that all judges are unbiased ... unless they rule against a liberal policy. Then they're biased.Trump University a scam? How about selling the Lincoln bedroom? How about pay for play? How about selling the Sec of State's office? Please. All insane.