it's kind of like that but our trade deals are actually quite fair by comparison. imagine TTP with an Army...seriously, this is what the EU (a trade partnership) want, they want their own army! they already have some of it in place, they just unveiled its headquarters today. then imagine, TTP on top of that! our version is called TTIP, (Transatlantic Trade/Investement) i.e. with the US. That was the main reason i voted to leave the EU, in all honesty 90% of the UK have never even heard of TTIP. when i first heard about it a few years back, i thought it was a conspiracy theory!!
if you'd told me a year ago i'd be rooting for trump i'd have laughed in your face. but having seen what clinton's been up to this year, trump is a saint by comparison. i don't mind him being politically incorrect (i can be myself sometimes) but he does cross the racist line a bit tho', but if the only alternative is clinton? it's a no brainer for me