Did she just call us perverts? Calm down, if your son can browse whatever he wants to, that means he can go to goatse, rule 34, meatspin, ilovethefishes, and all the other disgusting sites around!
0 ups, 9y
My little Ryan can go on anything he wants to. And carrying on from my last reply, what is with that picture? I know exactly what that is, you three are perv
2 ups, 9y,
2 replies
so you don't care what your kid do on the internet
wow your a bad mom T_T
also THIS IS A SITE FOR ADULTS NOT KIDS can your little bran understand that?
buddy we just have fun now
talking to normal people that are not like that family
and just looking at memes my friend or we just can talk
about that goomba T.V show
Egg plants are useful for getting personal information. When people pick them, the egg plant sucks the information out of the body. Also, Suck_My_Ass is on the loose again. I'm going to sleep, I can't stand more of this stealing nonsense.
Well my time on Imgflip is 'interesting'. First, Getting crazy amounts of views on a gif, now there's a StarYTP copy allahu akbaring all over the place!
2 ups, 9y,
2 replies
at lest you got two buddys
who will upvote your memes and help you out from time to time
that user don't have any of that