Yep, sure do, although I was always a bugs bunny. looneytunes guy. No thanks needed, I appreciate your humor, and totally get it. Views may be your biggest issue to overcome. One trick to move towards the front of the latest pages is to submit as quickly as possible after generating the meme. If you think of a good one at midnight, make it, but recreate it at a more favorable time the next day. Before my work changed I was trying to submit my cusom templates around 10-12 eastern time. This usually got them featured by the time the east was getting home from work anf the momentum would carry into the west. Also try to respond to a comment asap and with a meme. The more comments you generate early the higher up in the hot pages it will go. My thoughts are if it makes it to pg 5, the meme is getting enough views to hit the 1st page if it connects to enough people. Of course a lot of what I do is directed at subgroups or appeals to subgroups because of age related themes. Its okay, I laugh the hardest while making some of my biggest failures :)