Where does your info about Trump come from if not from the media?
How is he a "liar"?
How is he not a "conservative"?
What led you to believe that he is a liar and not a conservative?
I admit, I'm weary of him, but mainly because he is seen in photos as if he is/was friends with the Clintons. Like he's the Trojan Horse he keeps mentioning.
But, I watched a lot of his older interviews from the 70's-early 2000's and saw that he's fairly consistent for a "politician".
He's definitely patriotic.
I think he's only unpopular because of the media's desire for Hillary/first woman president. And that, in my opinion, is being pushed by the UN.
To me, all the Trump bashing is just like the Lucas bashing. A concerted effort to demonize a man. A smear campaign, nothing more.
Trump is going to have flaws, everyone does.
But if he turned out to be a Hitler or another Obama/GW Bush, I'd be the first to say I was wrong. :{