I don't care who you are, if you take the time to change your self destructive behavior, you will make the smart and healthy choices for you and your family. Most of the "Healthy" food you see is bullshit "keep up with the new fad diet". Food prices help, they are in no way the "key" to everyone eating healthy! It takes discipline and a little more time to have a healthy lifestyle. Poor parenting skills have made the parents slave to the their children running them all over gods creation and buying them phones and other bullshit! Even the "Poor" kids have f**king phones, video games, Air Jordan's and so on! I help raise 5 kids, the food was all healthy, fresh veggies and meat and no bullshit! I had to hide my chocolate chip cookies in the f**king garage!! It took my wife longer to prepare food, but we cut all the bullshit out so she HAD the time! Being healthy, eating healthy takes discipline, something these fat lazy f**kers don't have!!