I've been seeing many memes,posts, and comments about memes from many users being unjustly flagged NSFW. it happened to me again. I posted a meme with chicken wings posed in a suggestive manner. Yep it flagged. I mean it's lunch for pete's sake. I understand we need to "protect" the children, (who BTW post the most filth), but I can assure you as a parent/grandparent I would prefer my kids to see some of the funny /naughty stuff than most of the vicious meanest that passes right through. So I thought we could post the links here in an Underground Railroad past the censors. If you see a meme you like upvote it in both places so the author gets double credit!!! If you open something that offends you just move on, please ????.
I'll start the ball rolling with the naughty chicken dinner