You stupid leftards lost because you're hateful vindictive hypocrites and relentlessly shit your vacuous SJW stupidity and fascist bigotry into literally EVERY DAMN WEB SEARCH AND MEDIUM. Your presidential candidate was a pretentious disingenuous bitch who had people murdered and sold uranium to the Russians along with your god king Obumass. THERE IS NO RUSSIA-TRUMP COLLUSION YOU LYING MURDEROUS POS AND SOCIALISM WILL NEVER EVER F**KING WORK YOU DELUSIONAL DEMOKKKRAT DUMBF**K. GLOBAL WARMING IS A F**KING HOAX AND MEXICAN IS NOT A RACE YOU GODLESS RACIST EUGENIST. After 8 years of "shut up and obey your government or you're a racist," f**k your baby-killing gun-snatching Sharia-loving pussy hat bimbo snowflake "resistance."