I disagree, I understand the Electoral College, but it's broken down into State Representatives that vote individually, and they are supposed to vote according to the individual states wishes.
Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils, we always vote for evil, it's just to the degree. I don't know your worldview, but God says there is none good except God. Trump is far more Conservative then Hillary, and far less corrupt. And she has blood on her hands. And she is running Scandals-R-Us. Trump is a bit crude and less of a True Conservative then a Moderate. But I promise, we will survive 4-8 years of a Trump Administration. America won't survive Hillary Clinton, she will give us a Socialist State by the end of her 8 years, and she will do this, primarily with 2-5 more Supreme Court Justices working in her favor, while she waves executive orders around like money. Communism is what we get when Socialism inevitably fails. I can't vote for that. And if the people vote Trump with an Republican held Congress, and Congress votes Hillary. There will be a revolt because too much is at steak this time.
I'm assuming that you hold to the view that everyone in government is corrupt. I disagree, our Representative Republic is seriously ill, but I don't believe that it's dead yet. Only God can revive and restore it, but the people have to humble themselves first.
2 Chronicles 7: 14