Umm, if you have man parts, the odds are very, very good that you are a male. If you have woman parts, probability would suggest that you are, in fact, female. There is no grey area - it's cold, stark black and white.
I was born human. I am not a giraffe, even if I choose to become a giraffe. I may "identify" as a giraffe, I may try to act like a giraffe, dress like a giraffe, and demand people treat me like a giraffe and give me a giraffe's rights...but I cannot become something I am not.
Becoming a giraffe is ridiculous. So is the idea of being "transgender". Children pretend to be what they are not; they fantasize about being superheroes, monsters, animals, other people. Somehow it has become acceptable for adult-age people to devote their whole lifestyle to returning to that childhood behavior and try to convince themselves and others that they are now REALLY something former times that would have been called insanity and treated as such.