I was misdiagnosed with (only) depression (&fanciest I think) for 30+ years. Paxil (basically an antidepressant) sent me into hypomania (obsessive raging thoughts--the bad kind) until I went off them. A few years & somebody finally figured it out. Mostly different kind of meds & I can function fairly well. Just saying that bipolar is very frequently misdiagnosed & the meds are different. Anybody reading this should probably do some research---that's when it became clear. Bipolar is very very serious & I am fortunate to be alive (several times).
Sorry to hear that. I also have epilepsy so I've been on dozens of meds, I can't take any depression meds cause they don't work well with my current meds. I've been in a coma on life support a few times so I know what that's like lol
Oh, I'm sure you are worse off & that's too bad. I'm on anti seizure meds trileptal & lomotrigine, sometimes clonazepam. They don't know why they work for bipolar too. I hope you enjoy imgflip.