LEADER BOARD UPDATE: the new king of image flip is who_am_i with them claiming the crown from nonother than ray dog
NEW UPDATE: in 3 weeks time we will see up to about a 2-day downtime for the site but it will be worth it because we can now make music parodies on this site and bug fixes another thing is the layout and format of our site will be changed so comments will not go down but across
TOXIC COMMENTS: our team are currently trying to work on the flag button following a series of cyberattacks on our site WE WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY OF THIS BEHAVIOR
Only way to get good Pokemon via gts is by putting I. Starters or shinies, wonder trade is a good way to get random shinies, I do giveaways every weekend putting up starters or stuff like that
Only way to get good Pokemon via gts is by putting I. Starters or shinies, wonder trade is a good way to get random shinies, I do giveaways every weekend putting up starters or stuff like that