No more or less than any of the other candidates. is less hypocritical, and here's why.
1. He pays current market rate for a job he could get done for free. But what about that $15 min. wage he demands?
2. Answer: He wants $15 an hour min. wage by 2020, FOUR YEARS FROM NOW, with a starting place NOW of $12, which is what he pays his interns. So he pays his interns what he wants the min. wage raised to NOW, with an eventual min. wage of $15 in four years. And they got a cost of living increase from $10.10 in the spring, to keep up with what he calls a current living wage. So, when viewed in light of the fact that $15 is a four year goal with $12 being the starting point now, it's directly in keeping with his policies.
Meanwhile the rest tout rebuilding the middle class and use unpaid volunteers as interns.