by your definition of living, bacteria and cancer should be allowed to thrive without human intervention as well yes? even if it is detrimental to the life already present? yeesh. now, before your head explodes, im not saying children are on the same level of zygotes and fetus's, i'm simply saying that before such a stage as the thin is self aware, or would be put through pain, it's not morally or ethically wrong to abort the pregnancy. in other words... to stop a process before it comes to completion.
Also, i did not say soldier HAVE to have circumcision (since you are so stuck on this) i said it is beneficial... imagine if you will being in a desert, UNCLEAN, for months at a time... not much water for bathing. you ability to comprehend the complexity of variable affecting any one issue seems to be nonfunctional.
now, once again, my argument is not for or against circumcision, i'm still personally on the fence about it. I can simply entertain both sides of an argument at the same time. child-minds are incapable of such. such as those who claim so emotionally claim "MURDERER" when someone stops a pregnancy before it becomes true, self-aware, pain feeling, human life.
Yes, guilt is learned. If you are taught to feel guilty about something, you will feel guilty. otherwise, if there weren't such hot-headed (dare i say again) bigots, such as yourself, shaming women from having a child, there'd be much less guilt and we wouldnt have so many problems... but there's always an asshole like you that's got to get bent out of shape about something.
Lastly, you accuse me of deflecting from an argument about abortion... this coming from the one who brought up circumcision in the first place... riiiight.
its funny to me, that the only way you can truly back up you emotional argument, is to try and attack my intelligence... funny and sad.
as far as calling you emotional and irration... its all that i need in order to throw your entire argument out of the window.
now lastly, yes, i troll the troll, because it's fun to beat an asshole at his own game.
(damn, too bad i don't have the points for meme comments yet, planned on leaving dicaprio's cheers with text... oh well)
"i await your next expulsion of idiocy with a smirk and glass of glass of wine"